Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday Jun 26, 2012 Working at Getsemani

Romans 12:6  
So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God hás given us...

Today began by greeting old friends.  Glenda, Victor and Pastor Rodriguez.  Nora introduced Sam to the Pastor Rodriguez. 

Our first workshop today was with the sewing group.  New ideas for products and business strategies were shared.  Patricia and Nora showed many new ideas and we went through all of the fabrics that we brought.  Juan Carlos was going over business details including inventory and branding with the group.  He and Lauren went over cash flow with Jose.

We had lunch with our Habitat Leader Alex.  Sam and Juan Carlos took a short break during lunch outside. 

After lunch we took a “tem-pature” (team picture) in front of the mural. 

There was a large group that came to the jewelry workshop.  Patricia was training them on how to use the materials we brought, sharing pictures of ideas and other items and some of the new tools they can use. 

The dremel tool was presented to the jewelry team and will be very useful to them in making their designs. 

This will enable them to use more organic materials from their environment such as beans, pits and seeds to make jewelry and other artisitc items.  Members of this group vary in age from 11 to 18 years old. 

Deb and the youth assembled the tool and Juan Carlos began the training on how to use it. 

This was a very exciting day as the groups were extremely receptive and already started implementing the new ideas.

We are pleased that we have two Spanish speaking team members as Patricia has lost her voice.  Juan Carlos has stepped up and is doing a great job.  


  1. Very glad to see that you have your blog up and running again. The pictures and comments continue to be very good. A UPS truck ran into the Bay at the end of 96th St. today. Driver not hurt.

  2. You all are making such a difference in these peoples lives. Jodi
