Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday Jun 27, 2012 Continuum training and painting

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.                              Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
Early this morning, at 12:30 am, we were aroused by what we thought was a freight train coming through the hotel.  Luckily it was only an earthquake that registered 5.1 and shook our beds enough to wake us all.  To our knowledge, there was no damage from this event.

Once we reached Getsemani we held workshops on BAC training which is bacteria awareness training when managing food temperatures.  This was followed by the dental hygiene presentation.  Many parents and children from the community attended to learn more. 


We distributed thermometers, toothbrushes and toothpaste and demonstrated the best use for each.

In the afternoon, we gathered with the teenagers and held a box decorating workshop.  This was a huge success as the youth rallied around the project and had a great time being creative.

After leaving Getsemani, we attended a service with Pastor Rodriguez, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Ahuachapan.  He was very gracious to hold a private service for us and allow us to participate.  Dr. Sam shared scripture and prayers with us.  Pastor Rodriguez gave his message, and Juan Carlos gladly stepped in to be our interpretor.  This made the service more meaningful for all of us.  The pastor said the work we are doing in Getsemani helps his ministry because the people now have hope.

This was even more special as the Pastor’s wife was admitted to the hospital this afternoon with bronchitis.  We ask that everyone keep her in their prayers and for a quick recovery. 
The children of Pastor Rrodriguez are both very active in the Presbyterian Church.  His daughter, Andrea, assisted him throughout by singing and sharing scripture.  His son, Victor, supports the growth of the Church by making jewelry.